Carpe Diem was chosen as Moloco’s Agency to revamp their brand across it’s global locations. Working diligently with our client partners, we’ve been able to refresh their global brand, redesign their website, and develop a catalog of world-class icons, illustrations as well as interactive 3D augmented reality experiences.
We also manage, create, and produce digital, as well as IRL experiences for Moloco’s flagship conference events around the world. This year we’ve been lucky enough to concept and create everything from static imagery , to animation and interactive 3D, Outdoor digital billboards, as well as augmented reality experiences for events that span from Las Vegas to Seoul Korea.
As our partnership continues to grow, we are continuing to design, manage, and maintain their overall brand across their global digital, social, and event initiatives. We’re excited and honored to help grow Moloco’s presence in the industry.
Credit: Moloco Inc., Carpe Diem Creative Agency, @KateWarburton, @XingWei, @LysandreLavoie, Bob Bjarke, Imaginary Cloud